221 - 230 of 1977 for function
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This book describes techniques for designing complex, discrete-time ΔΣ ADCs with signal-transfer functions that significantly filter interfering signals. The book ...
The advance of a powerful software for symbolic and numerical computations such as Mathematica sheds a new light on a paper by Golub and Welsch from 1969. Based on this paper ...
Topics Overview of Basic Graphics Commands Using Packages Selected Graphics Packages Standard Add-on Packages Colors Graphics Primitives and Directives Displaying and ...
Notebook containing animated graphics of the first harmonic for the Bessel function BesselJ[1,x].
Methods for using symbolic computation systems to verify polyhedral symmetries of harmonic functions on the sphere are presented. The particular case of icosahedral symmetry, ...
This is the legacy standard add-on package NumberTheory`NumberTheoryFunctions` from Version 5.2, with minimal updates for basic compatibility with 6.0. It does contain ...
Using the program Mathematica 2.o we have fitted the computer simulation data of the radial distribution function (RDF) for almost 700 states and five values of the ...
A theoretical model (Schatzel, K. Quantum Opt. 1990, 2, 287) for the covariance of real quasielastic light-scattering correlation functions has been experimentally verified. ...
Students of elementary complex analysis usually begin by seeing the derivation of the Cauchy--Riemann equations. A topic of interest to both the development of the theory and ...
A symbolic program performing the Formal Reduction of Density Operators (FRODO), formerly developed in the MuPAD computer algebra system with the purpose of evaluating the ...