21 - 30 of 1977 for function
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The most widely used profile shape functions are the pseudo-Voigt and the Pearson VII. Using the standard Mathematica package "Statistics NonlinearFit" and high resolution ...
This Mathematica package provides a tool valid for calculating the explicit expression of the Greens function related to a nth order linear ordinary differential ...
In this paper, a system is described for serving on-line exercises of mathematical functions for high-school students. The system basically depends on WWW technology and uses ...
In this work we look at deriving definite logarithimic integrals in terms of the Log Gamma function with plots. These integrals are an expansion of the Malmsten type ...
This paper is devoted to construct an algorithm that allows us to calculate the explicit expression of the Green’s function related to a nth-order linear ordinary ...
Students will predict when a rational function will have a slant (or oblique) asymptote and demonstrate how that affects the behavior of the graph.This notebook covers topics ...
A motion of point vortices with periodic boundary conditions is studied by using Weierstrass zeta functions. Scattering and recoupling of a vortex pair by a third vortex ...
Graph theory meets number theory in this stimulating book. Ihara zeta functions of finite graphs are reciprocals of polynomials, sometimes in several variables. Analogies ...
Given a multivariate function expr[x1...xn], a list of variables {x1,...,xn} and a point {x10,...,xn0}, NGrad[expr,{x1,...,xn},{x10,...,xn0}] computes numerically the ...
DiscontinuityPlot is used to plot real-valued discontinuous functions of one real variable, such as the tangent. At the discontinuity, the second derivative of the function ...