1961 - 1970 of 1977 for function
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This is a first course in Fourier series and boundary value problems, taken scientists and engineers. Some students are sophomores and some are graduate students, but most ...
Sourceforge.net provides a variety of open source projects. The below items have materials for Mathematica. MathSBML is an open-source package for working with Systems ...
The structure of optimal insurance contracts has been the subject of some scrutiny in the economic analysis of law. Existing studies generally suffer, however, from two ...
We will discuss the functionalities, implementation and use of a converter translating Maple worksheets as automatically as possible into an equivalent (from a computational ...
The pH buffering capacity of cheese is an important determinant of cheese pH. However, the effects of different constituents of cheese on its pH buffering capacity have not ...
In our research of iridium oxide film microelectrodes for neural stimulation, the surface area of the microelectrode is an important parameter that needs to be calculated ...
As a consequence of recent events, public safety has become a centerpiece of our global society. Motorola’s relevant expertise in fingerprint identification, based on more ...
Numerous phenomena in physics, chemistry, biology, and economy can be modelled by boundary-value problems for differential equations. These boundary-value problems (BVPs) can ...
Notebooks highlighting new features in Mathematica 5.1. A zip of all notebooks is also available. See the What's New in Mathematica 5.1 page product pages for more ...
The Frobenius number a of a finite set of positive integers is the least integer that is not representable as a nonnegative combination of entries in a. For example, Chicken ...