1941 - 1950 of 1977 for function
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MathModelica is an integrated problem-solving environment (PSE) for full system modeling and simulation. The environment integrates Modelica-based modeling and simulation ...
This presentation will describe and illustrate a system specifically designed to teach courses in calculus I and II. However, the concepts used for these two courses have a ...
Identifying genomic regions that descended from a common ancestor is important for understanding the function and evolution of genomes. In distantly related genomes, clusters ...
The multisets package defines two functions, Multisets and NumberOfMultisets. NumberOfMultisets supports symbolic calculations. Multisets[list, k] gives a list of all ...
The mechanisms used to coordinate uterine contractions are not known. We develop a new model based on the proposal that there is a maximum distance to which action potentials ...
This is a package based on matlab2tikz (http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/22022-matlab2tikz-matlab2tikz) for converting Mathematica figures to tikz code for ...
Hoops are "Symmetry-conserving Partial-fraction-Division Algebras" with symmetries or "sizes" that are conserved on vector multiplication and division. Conserved symmetries ...
The theory of curves and surfaces was established long ago. Yet applying the general theory to individual objects is not easy. For instance, integrating the curvature over a ...
Self-consistent-field (SCF) values are reported for all Cartesian tensor components of the dipole, quadrupole, and octupole moments (mu, Theta, Omega) and polarizabilities ...
The magnitude of the contaminated site clean-up in the United States indicates the need for more effective, less costly remediation technologies. Supercritical Fluid ...