1811 - 1820 of 1977 for function
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Two new analytical solutions allow the effects of layer thickness, vertical fault zone width and throw, layer compressibility, and basal slip on drape fold geometry to be ...
Many different computer algebra systems are regularly used to help students learn topics in calculus, matrix algebra, and physics. They empower students to investigate ...
Computer algebra systems (CAS's) such as DERIVE, MACSYMA, MAPLE, muMATH and Mathematica can be used as powerful assistants for performing symbol manipulations in algebra and ...
The NFourierIntegral package adaptively computes multidimensional Fourier integrals over finite integration ranges. Each integral is evaluated over sets of equally-spaced ...
This material was produced in 1996 as part of Edmundo's master degree course. In 2002, this material was updated to work in version 4 of Mathematica. It contains a function ...
In the 4th IMS, held in Japan in 2001, I talked about "Web Applications using J/Link for Math Education" and introduced some web applications that calculate a client's ...
The release that comes with this book is the first public release of Magnetica, a high precision magnetostatics software. This software is a response to the need for high ...
The traditional use of cellular automata (CA) in the study of scientific topics has been to specify simple rules and see whether the resulting CA structures behave like some ...
Many new features have been incorporated into the previously published version of PET—Petrological Elementary Tools for Mathematica®. Reaction equilibria can now be ...
Electrostatic lenses are of great importance to electron lithography systems, electron microscopes, information display, and so forth. The canonical aberration theory in ...