181 - 190 of 1977 for function
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A new periodic wave solution in terms of theta functions is presented for a kind of elliptic equation. Based on the results, with the help of Mathematica and the improved ...
We present a Mathematica interface for handling the parton distribution functions of the NNDPF Collaboration, available from the NNPDF hepforge website ...
Mathematica Link for Excel lets you easily process financial data and perform sophisticated analyses by using custom functions written in Mathematica. You can also use ...
We consider the statistical mechanics of a fluctuating string (1D solid-on-solid model) of N columns with a contact energy term displaying a critical wetting transition. For ...
The Mathematica function Apart has been generalized to any dimension in APart package [1], we upgrade this package to the 2nd version, in which the core part has been ...
In this paper we present the perturbative computation of the renormalization functions for the quark field and for a complete set of ultralocal fermion bilinears. The ...
A commercial computer algebra program, Mathematica, is used to generate the C matrix that characterizes our implementation of the Löwdin alpha-function method as applied to ...
A comprehensive reference book and software system for mathematicians, physicists, chemists, statisticians, engineers, and computer scientists that provides a consistent ...
Using the FiNLIE solution of the AdS/CFT Y-system, we compute the anomalous dimension of the Konishi operator in planar N=4 SYM up to eight loops, i.e. up to the leading ...
This lesson helps students understand the meaning of integration, including: Integration can be used to find area under a curve. The value of the integral is an area if the ...