171 - 180 of 1977 for function
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This notebook implements functions to visualize the electron cloud of the theoretical hydrogen atom, by ways of a 2D sectional ContourPlot and a RealTime3D electron density ...
This book deals with Mathematica's symbolic mathematical capabilities. Structural and mathematical operations on single and systems of polynomials are fundamental to many ...
The extended Gaussian quadrature rules are shown to be an efficient tool for numerical integration of wide class of functions with singularities of logarithmic type. The ...
Ever since their introduction by Hoare in 1969, invariant assertions have, justifiably, played a key role in the analysis of while loops. In this paper, we discuss a distinct ...
By applying scattering superposition principle and the Waterman's T-Matrix approach, a vector wave function expansion representation of dyadic Green's functions (DGF) is ...
A comprehensive reference book and software system for mathematicians, physicists, chemists, statisticians, engineers, and computer scientists that provides a consistent ...
A need often arises in statistical practice for readily available formulae expressing moments in terms of cumulants and vice versa. However, such formulae have been found to ...
Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs) are essential non-perturbative inputs for calculation of any observable with hadronic initial states. These PDFs are released by ...
We present the calculation of the two-loop spin splitting functions (P_ij ^(1))(x)(i,j = q,g) contributing to the next-to-leading order corrected spin structure function ...
This book provides a comprehensive collection of nearly 1,000 illustrations of curves and surfaces often used or encountered in mathematics, science, and engineering fields. ...