301 - 310 of 333 for Molecular dynamics
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Recirculating induction accelerators (recirculators) have been investigated as possible drivers for inertial fusion energy production because of their potential cost ...
Conventional analytical methods are supplemented by the use of DSolve and NDSolve in Mathematica. Beginning with the third homework assignment, students are asked to carry ...
The desire and/or the need of automating long, tedious, complex and error-prone sequences of mathematical symbolic computations has been a dream as old as mathematics itself. ...
This paper presents a new formulation as well as numerical solution for the problem of finding a point-to-point trajectory with maximum load carrying capacities for flexible ...
This textbook's methodological approach familiarizes readers with the mathematical tools required to correctly define and solve problems in continuum mechanics. Covering ...
Quantum generators which are quadratic in bosonic or fermionic creation and annihilation operators play very important role in quantum physics and quantum field theory ...
Composite materials have seen increasing applications in various fields of engineering such as the marine and aerospace industries. This is mainly due to the high strength ...
Recently, a quick poll of our students indicated that, contrary to some present fashions in calculus reform, neither epidemiology or population dynamics was on our ...
At Imperial College, staff from the Mathematics and Chemistry departments have set up computer-based "Mathematics Laboratories" for first year Chemistry undergraduates. ...
Tensor calculations and manipulations are frequently required to treat physics problems in physics classes. Given that tensor analysis is considered difficult, physicists ...