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21 - 30 of 333 for Molecular dynamics Search Results
The Rotational Dynamics of Mir   (Conference Proceedings)
The Russian Space Station Mir is a solid body with unequal principal moments of inertia. Free body rotations, initially begun about the middle principal axis, in general ...
An undergraduate textbook in Mechanics which incorporates Mathematica to explore the basis of engineering design. Focuses on understanding mechanics conceptually and the ...
Molecular weight distributions for the polymer produced in a cascade of well-stirred reactors are constructed using the Mathematica software package for symbol mathematical ...
The discovery of a class of new layered crystalline materials which exhibit superconductivity at unprecedented temperatures has opened new possibilites for the future of ...
The theoretical description of molecular dynamics proceeds from the specification of an appropriate Born–Oppenheimer potential energy surface (PES) or surfaces. For many ...
Dynamic 3D Molecular Model with ...   (MathSource: Packages and Programs)
Mathematica is used to generate 3D spacefill and stick and ball models of molecules that can be manipulated in real time with nVizx. In this example, the cisplatin molecule ...
Dynamics of a Catalytic Fluidized ...   (MathSource: Packages and Programs)
Different kinds of catalytic reactors exist (fixed bed, moving bed, fluidized bed and entrained bed). We study here the dynamics of a catalytic fluidized bed reactor. This ...
Mathematical Methods for Chemists   (Courseware and Class Materials)
The course content will initially focus on the essential basics of programming with some more advanced topics being introduced later. Examples and exercises will be given ...
Basics of Non-Linear Dynamics   (MathSource: Packages and Programs)
Basic treatment of differential equations. What you will find here: Samples of numerical solution of discrete difference equations. Samples of symbolic solution of systems ...
Colorful images of the Mandelbrot set and Julia sets are typically drawn using an escape time algorithm. However, it is the boundary of such a set which is truly fractal. We ...
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