111 - 120 of 333 for Molecular dynamics
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New phase rules have been derived for the rotationally inelastic diffraction scattering of an atom with a nomonuclear diatomic molecule. The phase rules are obtained by ...
The Lie-transform perturbation theory for non-autonomous non-Hamiltonian systems and its implementation in a complex of Mathematica programs are described. On the example of ...
A dynamic simulation of a distillation column with 32 stages is performed. We consider that the relative volatility of the binary mixture is constant equal to 1.6. We find ...
Crystallica is a Wolfram Language application for crystal and molecular structures. The user can manipulate structures and create plots with a variety of elements like atoms, ...
I. Gumowski and C. Mira, centre de recherche CERN de Genève, Suisse, have found strange attractors that possess marine life forms. They have derived a system of equations to ...
In Part I of this paper, we started from a dipole array model of elastic light scattering, and found the longwave asymptotic formulas for all 16 elements of the orientation ...
We perform a detailed study of Gibbs-non-Gibbs transitions for the Curie- Weiss model subject to independent spin-flip dynamics (“infinite-temperature” dynamics). We show ...
The package PseudoRandom.m defines a few routines that are useful for working with pseudorandom sequences. These sequences (also called Maximum Length PseudoRandon Sequences ...
Since the marginalist revolution the economic analysis has been focused on exchange mechanisms and all the dynamics underlying classical theories was forgotten. Harrod1,2 ...