101 - 110 of 333 for Molecular dynamics
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The subject of the presentation is included in the field of research of a new, intensively developing scientific discipline called computational economics. Delay differential ...
There are few optimal fourth-order methods for solving nonlinear equations when the multiplicity m of the required root is known in advance. Therefore, the first focus of ...
There are few optimal fourth-order methods for solving nonlinear equations when the multiplicity m of the required root is known in advance. Therefore, the principle focus of ...
Although there is a large literature about the effects of spatial heterogeneity and parasitoid aggregation on the population dynamics of model host-parasitoid systems, most ...
An approximate solution of the encounter problem of two small satellites describing initially elliptical orbits around a massive oblate primary is obtained. The equations of ...
It is well known that the homotopy analysis method is one of the most efficient methods for obtaining analytical or approximate semi-analytical solutions of both linear and ...
A combined analytic and Mathematica-based numerical approach to the solution of common applied mathematics problems in physics and engineering. This is a 2-quarter course ...
Abstract: We study the transient dynamics, following a spatially-extended perturbation of models describing populations residing in advective media such as streams and ...
The attached notebook has a Mathematica function which tabulates elements in a given chemical formula and gives the number of respective atoms. From then on, it is easy to ...
We reproduce the two-body gravitational conservative dynamics at third post-Newtonian order for spinless sources by using the effective field theory methods for the ...