 Tracer: A Package for Gamma-Algebra in Arbitrary Dimensions

Organization: | Technical University, Munich |
Department: | Department of Physics |
Organization: | Physics Department, Technical University, Munich |
 Mathematica implementation of gamma-algebra in arbitrary space-time dimensions according to the Hooft-Veltman scheme. The Tracer package is capable of doing purely algebraic manipulations as well as trace operations on strings of gamma-algebra objects. In addition, it provides a set of utility functions for reordering, simplifying, and improving the readability of the output, including optional TeX formatted output. This package is intended as a computerized aid to a researcher working on higher-order corrections in relativistic quantum field theories.

 AntiCommute, ContractEpsGamma, Dirac, Eps, Feynman diagrams, G5, GammaTrace, ListCommands, NoSpur, OnShell, OutputFormat, RemoveHatMomenta, RemoveNCM, Sigma, SortLine


| Tracer.m (55.1 KB) - Mathematica package | | Tracer.ps (348.6 KB) - PostScript tutorial and documentation |
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