
Organization: | MATHSTATICA Pty. Ltd. |
 The Mathematica application package mathStatica was designed to solve the algebraic and symbolic problems that are of primary interest in mathematical statistics. It does so by building upon the incredible symbolic computational power of Mathematica to create a sophisticated toolset specially designed for doing mathematical statistics. By contrast, packages such as SPSS, SYSTAT, SAS, GAUSS, JMP, and S-PLUS provide a numerical and/or graphical toolset. They can illustrate, simulate, and find approximate numerical solutions to numerical problems, but they generally cannot find exact symbolic solutions to statistical problems.

 mathstatica, statistics, mathematical statistics, symbolic solutions, probability density functions, automated expectations, probability, density plotting, automated transformations, symbolic and numerical, automated Pearson curve fitting, Johnson curve fitting, Gram-Charlier expansions, nonparametric kernel density estimation, moment conversion formulas, component-mix and parameter-mix distributions, stable distributions, copulae, random number generation, asymptotics, decision theory, order statistics, Fisher information, h-statistics, k-statistics, polykays
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