 NGrad: Numerical Gradient of multivariate function

Organization: | ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences |
 Given a multivariate function expr[x1...xn], a list of variables {x1,...,xn} and a point {x10,...,xn0}, NGrad[expr,{x1,...,xn},{x10,...,xn0}] computes numerically the gradient of expr in the point specified by sequential uses of ND. For one-variable functions, NGrad[expr,x,x0] outputs the numerical derivative of expr in the point x0.
The function needs the NumericalCalculus package to operate

 calculus, multivariate calculus, derivative, gradient, multivariate function, numerical, numerical calculus, numerical derivative, numerical gradient, NGrad

| NGrad.nb (20.5 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |
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