 arc length, tangent, binormal, principal normal, Frenet formulas, curvatures, torsion, graph, osculating circle, osculating sphere, helix, spiral, 1-parameter motion group, isogonal trajectory, absolute differential, area, asymptotic curves, Christoffel symbols, cone, conical surface, cylindrical surface, developable surface, diffeomorphism, differential, envelope, Euler's formula, evolute, exterior differential, exterior product, flat points, Frenet formulas, fundamental forms, Gauss curvature, Gauss map, geodesic, geodesic curvature, helix, hypersurface, immersion, integrability conditions, integral curvature, involute, Jacobian matrix, line congruences, loxodrome, mean curvature, Meusnier's proposition, minimal surface, moving frame, normal, normal congruence, normal curvature, orientation, osculating sphere, parallel displacement, Plücker's conoid, principal curvatures, principal curves, principal directions, regular, Riemannian curvature tensor, Riemannian manifold, Rückkehrkante, ruled surface, singular, spherical image, structure forms, submanifold, surface, surface of revolution, surface with constant Gauss curvature, tangent plane, tangent surface, tangent vector, Theorema egregium, torus, total differential, umbilic point, vector field, volume element