 QuaternionAnalysis Package

Organization: | Universidade do Minho |
Department: | Departamento de Matemática e Aplicações |
Organization: | Universidade do Minho |
Department: | Departamento de Matemática e Aplicações |
 The QuaternionAnalysis package is a collection of functions that adds functionalities to the Quaternions package for implementing Hamiltons quaternion algebra. It also provides tools for manipulating regular (or monogenic) quaternion valued functions, in the sense of Fueter. Some of the added new features include the possibility of performing operations on functions defined in R^(n+1), n>=2.
The package contains Help files for the new commands and a tutorial on quaternion analysis as well as several illustrative examples. It is closely based on the book Holomorphic functions in the plane and n-dimensional space, by K. Guerlebeck, K. Habetha and W. Sproessig.
The web site http://w3.math.uminho.pt/QuaternionAnalysis contains information about updates of the package.

 Fueter, Hamilton, Quaternions, Paravectors, Monogenic functions

| signature.asc (198 B) - ASCII file | | QuaternionAnalysis.zip (239.7 KB) - ZIP archive |