 Virtual Antennas, Volume 1, 1999

Organization: | Democritus University of Thrace - Antennas Group |
Organization: | Democritus University of Thrace - Antennas Group |
 Democritus University of Thrace Antennas Group
VIRTUAL ANTENNAS by N.I.Yannopoulou and P.E.Zimourtopoulos
Irregular Series 3 Volume 1 - January 1999 Annual Edition
An On-Line Course in Antennas. Material in HTML format illustrated with 43 VRMLs + 28 AVIs + 2 Animated GIFs + 97 GIFs + 1 JPEG created almost exclusively with Mathematica 3.0.1 under MS Windows NT4.
Contents : [1] HTML Browsers-VRML Viewers-AVI Players Familiarization. [2] The Real Vector Mapping and Field Notions. 3D Curves. [3] The Spherical Coordinate System. [4]Theta and Phi Charts. Vector Field : Cartesian to Spherical Transformation. Time Harmonic Vector Fields : Polarization. [5] Radiation Pattern. Short Antenna. Short Cross Antenna. [6] Radiation Patterns II : Applications. [7] Standing Wave or Sinusoidal Dipole. Examinations March 1998/Exercise. Extra : Standing Waves.
Archive distribution extracted from : antennas.ee.duth.gr File Name : virtant.zip. File Size : Compressed : ~3 MB/Expanded : ~15 MB.

 Virtual Reality, 3D curves, real vector mapping, spherical coordinate system, cartesian and spherical transformation, harmonic vector fields, polarization, far field approximation, short antenna, short crosses, radiation pattern, standing wave, sinusoidal dipole

| virtant.zip (2.6 MB) - Web Browser material |
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