 Automatic Analytical Computation of Feynman Diagram Expressions

Organization: | University of South Carolina |
 The paper describes the included package TamarA for analytical calculation of Feynman diagram expressions. The package supports both relativistic and non-relativistic three dimensional calculation of traces. The package also includes numerous simplification rules of four and three dimensional expressions. User friendliness was one of first priorities when the package was designed. Output is graphical and very close to standard physics notations. Keyboard input is easy to remember. Many short notations are defined as alternatives. This guide includes a detailed description of the package with usage examples.

 Feynman, diagram, nuclear, high energy, relativistic, physics, TamarA, Tamara, Tetervak

| TamarA.m (59.9 KB) - Mathematica package | | TamarAGuide.nb (127.9 KB) - Mathematica notebook |