
Organization: | University of California Berkeley |
 GRQUICK is a Mathematica package designed to quickly and easily calculate/manipulate relevant tensors in general relativity. Given an NxN metric and an N-dimensional coordinate vector, GRQUICK can calculate the: Christoffel symbols, Riemann Tensor, Ricci Tensor, Ricci Scalar, and Einstein Tensor. Along with calculating the above tensors, GRQUICK can be used to: manipulate four vectors in curved space, define tensors, display the geodesic equations, take covariant derivatives of tensors, and plot geodesics. See the example notebook for specific notation on tensors.

 Einstein, tensor, physics, general relativity, schwarzschild, metric, field equations, vector, black hole, black-hole, covariant derivative, geodesics, geodesic plotting

| GRQUICK.m (21.2 KB) - Mathematica Package | | GRQUICK_manual.nb (216 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |
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