| 1stOrderTransfer.nb (47.7 KB) - Response of a First Order System Towards Most Forcing Function |
| 2ndOrderTransfer.nb (49.2 KB) - Response of a Second Order System Towards Most Forcing Function |
| CSTRSTRT.nb (199.4 KB) - Unsteady Flow Problem |
| ConeDran.nb (44.8 KB) - Draining Conical Tank Example |
| CylnDran.nb (26.2 KB) - Draining Cylindrical Tank Example |
| METH_SYN.nb (243.5 KB) - Methanol Example |
| ODEANLYT.nb (90.8 KB) - Analytic Solutions to Coupled ODEs |
| ODENUMRC.nb (54.1 KB) - Numerical Solution of ODEs |
| SphrDran.nb (85.7 KB) - Draining Spherical Tank Example |
 Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
| 1stOrderTransfer.ma (13.9 KB) - Response of a First Order System Towards Most Forcing Function |
| 2ndOrderTransfer.ma (15.8 KB) - Response of a Second Order System Towards Most Forcing Function |
| CSTRSTRT.ma (107.5 KB) - Unsteady Flow Problem |
| ConeDran.ma (31.7 KB) - Draining Conical Tank Example |
| CylnDran.ma (14.2 KB) - Draining Cylindrical Tank Example |
| METH_SYN.ma (82.5 KB) - Methanol Example |
| ODEANLYT.ma (37.9 KB) - Analytic Solutions to Coupled ODEs |
| ODENUMRC.ma (32.9 KB) - Numerical Solution of ODEs |
| SphrDran.ma (74.2 KB) - Draining Spherical Tank Example |