 Aerodynamics 1.2

Organization: | University of Florida |
Department: | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering |
 Aerodynamics 1.2 provides a collection of computational tools for solving steady two-dimensional potential-flow over an airfoil using panel methods. Over thirty functions are defined to facilitate the computation of airfoil geometry, influence coefficients, aerodynamic coefficients and presentation graphics. Additionally, three panel methods are fully implemented. Documentation is provided for defined functions. A tutorial in book form provides many examples, including import of airfoils from data files, detailed implementation of each of the three models with intermediate results, convergence and timing properties for the models, computation of lift, pitching moment and pressure coefficient. Mathematica graphic functions are used to visualize the flow field, and Aerodynamics graphics functions provide convenient tools for displaying airfoil geometry and surface pressure coefficient using conventions of the aerodynamics community. Users have access to packages for inspection or modification of programs. Aerodynamics 1.2 provides several enhancements to Aerodynamics 1.1 including an improved function for importing data files, dynamic examples and a worksheet. The worksheet enables a user to select an airfoil, discretization parameters, computational model and type of flow visualization. Evaluating the worksheet creates a Mathematica notebook showing flow visualization and aerodynamic properties for the airfoil.

 aerodynamics, airfoils, panel methods, potential flow, fluid mechanics


| Aerodynamics1.2.0.zip (3.9 MB) - ZIP archive |
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