 Molecular Graphics Package 1.1

Organization: | Nordfors Creative AB |
Organization: | Indiana University |
Department: | School of Law |
 The package provides routines for plotting molecules and molecular displacements, for example, vibrational modes, in three dimensions. Bonds may be generated automatically. Some commands: DrawNuclei, DrawBonds, DrawMolecule, DrawVectors, DrawDistortion.

 vibrations, vibrational modes, normal coordinates, molecules, molecular bonds, chemical bonds

| MolecularGraphics.m (14 KB) - Mathematica package | | MolecularGraphicsDemo.nb (6.9 KB) - Mathematica notebook |  Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
 | | DemoMolecularGraphics.m (2.7 KB) - Demonstration package | | MolecularGraphics.m (13.1 KB) - Mathematica package |
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