 Activity Coefficients Package

Organization: | Max-Planck-Institut für Medizinische Forschung |
 This package provides experimental data on the mean activity coefficient in water at 25 degrees celsius for some common electrolytes, as well as functions for fitting an extended Debye-Hueckel model to these data, yielding expressions for the activity coefficient as a function of ionic strength or concentration. The fitting functions also work on experimental data supplied by the user.

 Chemistry, physical chemistry, electrochemistry, activity, activity coefficient, electrolyte, sale, Debye Hueckel model, Debye Huckel model

| ACManual.nb (138.7 KB) - example notebooks | | ActivityCoefficients.m (30.9 KB) - Mathematica package |  Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
 | | ACManual.ma (60.1 KB) - example notebooks |
| | | |  | |