 Riemann Sums Package

Organization: | Case Western Reserve University |
Department: | Department of Mathematics |
 The package Riemann.m provides three commands: PlotRiemann, RiemannSum and RiemannSumList. PlotRiemann[expression, range, {plotoptions}, {riemannoptions}] produces a plot of 'expression' on range 'range', and draws the rectangles corresponding to a Riemann partition of the range for the expression. It also produces an informative label. RiemannSum returns only the value of the Riemann sum. RiemannSumList produces a list of Riemann sums for random partitions suitable for plotting the sum against the mesh.

 college courseware, high school courseware, integration, riemann sum, calculus, education

| Riemann.doc (2.8 KB) - Documentation for Riemann.m | | Riemann.m (11.7 KB) - Riemann sums Mathematica package | | Riemexam.nb (114.6 KB) - Sample notebook for Riemann.m |  Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
 | | Riemann.m (11.7 KB) - Riemann sums Mathematica package | | Riemexam.ma (23.1 KB) - Sample notebook for Riemann.m |
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