| README.txt (1.4 KB) - Author's notes and file list |
| Euler.m (522 B) - Supplemental Mathematica package |
| ImprovEuler.m (634 B) - Supplemental Mathematica package |
| MidPoint.m (657 B) - Supplemental Mathematica package |
| RKsimple.m (882 B) - Supplemental Mathematica package |
| leclab01.nb (40.1 KB) - Solutions, direction fields, initial value problems |
| leclab02.nb (14 KB) - Separable differential equations |
| leclab03.nb (13.8 KB) - Numerical methods for first order ODEs |
| leclab04.nb (42.9 KB) - Differential operators, second order linear differential equations |
| leclab05.nb (11.4 KB) - Linear, constant coefficient homogeneous differential equations |
| leclab06.nb (13.4 KB) - Nonhomogeneous equations |
| leclab07.nb (18.5 KB) - Undetermined coefficients |
| leclab08.nb (11.3 KB) - Variation of parameters |
| leclab09.nb (13.6 KB) - Laplace transforms |
| leclab10.nb (18 KB) - Series solutions of differential equations |
| leclab11.nb (51 KB) - Bessel functions |
 Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
| leclab01.ma (25.3 KB) - Solutions, direction fields, initial value problems |
| leclab02.ma (9.7 KB) - Separable differential equations |
| leclab03.ma (10.6 KB) - Numerical methods for first order ODEs |
| leclab04.ma (30.8 KB) - Differential operators, second order linear differential equations |
| leclab05.ma (7.9 KB) - Linear, constant coefficient homogeneous differential equations |
| leclab06.ma (9.2 KB) - Nonhomogeneous equations |
| leclab07.ma (13.2 KB) - Undetermined coefficients |
| leclab08.ma (7.9 KB) - Variation of parameters |
| leclab09.ma (9.3 KB) - Laplace transforms |
| leclab10.ma (11.7 KB) - Series solutions of differential equations |
| leclab11.ma (27.1 KB) - Bessel functions |