 Dependability modelling and analysis with continuous time Markov chains

Organization: | The Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
Department: | Centre for Quantifiable Quality of Service in Communication Systems |
 The package evaluates dependability models based on continuous time discrete state Markov chains, i.e. so called state-models, with respect to the availability, reliability, MTBF, MUT, MDT, MTTF, and MTFF of the modelled system. The package also includes functionality for assisting the composition of system models from models of subsystems by the use of Krönecker addition, state merging, etc. A function which plots annotated state diagrams is also included. An accompanying notebook demonstrates the use of the package.

 Dependability, availability, reliability, MTBF, MUT, MDT, MTTF, MTFF, Markov, modelling, CTMC

| StateDiagrams.m (16.4 KB) - Mathematica Package | | StateDiagrams.nb (215.3 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |
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