 Mathematica Notebooks for 'ATLAST Computer Exercises for Linear Algebra'

Organization: | Davidson College |
 This is an incomplete collection of Mathematica materials to accompany ATLAST Computer Exercises for Linear Algebra, by Leon, Herman and Faulkenberry, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1996. Readers are expected to have this book. For each chapter, there is an exercise and/or project notebook containing solutions, instructions and/or tutorials for selected ATLAST exercises and projects. These cover most linear algebra topics from row reduction to singular value decomposition. Instructions and tutorials are intended for students and should retain their unevaluated (no output) form. Tutorials prepare students for later parts of the problem or immediately following problems. Solutions do include output, so that instructors may browse. If not labeled as instructions or tutorial, then the material is a solution to an ATLAST exercise or project that either requires no special instructions (except the book) or was only considered but not used in my classes. The notebooks were developed for Mathematica 3.0 on a Windows platform but they should work on a Mac as well. The file atmatica.zip should unzip to 14 files, including contents.nb which contains a detailed table of contents.

 linear agebra, row reduce, markov process, determinants, vector space, linear transformation, orhogonal matrices, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, singular value decomposition

| atmatica.zip (599.2 KB) - Windows archive file |
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