 Array of Framed Plots: Shared Axes or Inverted Axes

Organization: | University of Padova, Italy |
 This package generates an array of framed plots with shared axes. By default no space is left between the different frames (the axes are "shared" between plots) and the thick labels are automatically printed at the external edge of the whole graphics array. It is also possible to use an inverted X or Y axis in each plot. This latter capability is very useful e.g. in Astronomy to draw Color-Magnitude or HR diagrams.

 graphics array, multiple plots, inverted axes

| MongoArray.m (10.3 KB) - Mathematica Package | | MongoArrayTest.nb (1 MB) - Example Notebook for MongoArray.m |  Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
 | | MongoArray.m (7.6 KB) - Mathematica Package |