 Rotater Converter

 SaveToRotaterFormat.m is a package that export Mathematica graphics into a format that can be read by the Mac program Rotater or by the DOS/Windows program rotate.com.
Rotater v.3.5 by Craig Kloeden is a real-time 3D visualization program for the Macintosh. A DOS/Windows version is written by Marijke van Gans and called rotate.com. These programs read a simple ASCII file of coordinates, then you can rotate the 3D object in real-time using your mouse. Both program represents the 3D object by wireframes. Surface/polygon are not supported as of 1996/08. Both programs are fast and free. The latest version of Rotater and rotate.com can be found at: http://raru.adelaide.edu.au/rotater/ http://www.silicon-alley.com/cat/rotate.html

 3D graphics, geometry, visualization, rotate, parametric surfaces

| SaveToRotaterFormat.m (9.8 KB) - Mathematica Package | | SaveToRotaterFormatExamples.nb (20.7 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |  Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
 | | SaveToRotaterFormatExamples.ma (15.5 KB) - Mathematica Notebook 2.2 or older | | SaveToRotaterFormatExamples.nb (19 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |