 Derivative Based Adaptive Rejection Sampling

 This is package for generating draws from an arbitrary log-concave pdf using an algorithm that requires only evaluation of the log pdf (up to an additive constant) and the derivative. This algorithm is commonly used for sampling from full conditional distributions arising in Gibbs sampling.

 adaptive rejection sampling, log concave density, gibbs

| DerivativeBasedAdaptiveRejectionSampling.m (8.8 KB) - Mathematica Package [for Mathematica 5.2] | | ProbabilityPlot.m (1 KB) - Mathematica Package [for Mathematica 5.2] | | ars.ps (176.1 KB) - Postscript file | | testing_ars.nb (209.3 KB) - Mathematica Notebook [for Mathematica 5.2] |