 Diffusion-induced instability in a coupled reactor system: Case of the Deng-Harrison model

Department: | Chemical Engineering |
Organization: | National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology |
Department: | Chemical Engineering Department |
 Diffusion through a membrane in a coupled reactor system can cause complex behaviour such as oscillations, period doubling and chaos. Here we study a simple model suggested by Deng-Harrison in 1969. The bifurcation diagram is obtained. We find good agreement with Figure 10 page 76 of the paper by Lengyel and Epstein.
Reference: I. Lengyel and I. R. Epstein, Diffusion-induced instability in chemically reacting systems: Steady-state multiplicity, oscillation, and chaos, Chaos 1 (1) 69-76, 1991.

 Diffusion, diffusion-induced instability, chaos, oscillation, period doubling, bifurcation diagram, coupled reactor system, Deng-Harrison model, complex dynamic behavior, nonlinear chemical dynamics

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