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Natural Cubic Spline coefficient command and a Clamped Cubic Spline coefficient command for Mathematica and examples of its use

Joseph M. Herrmann
Organization: Texas A&M University
Department: Department of Mathematics
Old MathSource #

Revision date


The notebook nspline.nb contains a Mathematica command which produces the natural cubic spline coefficients for a set of 2D data points. Examples of its use to create and plot the natural cubic spline functions and to use these functions to estimate the derivative or integral of a function approximated by the set of data points is included. A similar notebook cspline.nb contains a Mathematica command which produces the clamped cubic spline coefficients for a set of 2D data points and an example of its use. Neither command currently has error checking capabilities and assumes that the list of data points or other input arguments are correct.

This notebook may be useful to those using cubic splines in their work and educators and students learning about cubic splines to approximate functions.

*Applied Mathematics > Numerical Methods

interpolation, curve fitting, cubic splines
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cspline.nb (26.4 KB) - Mathematica notebook containing clamped cubic spline coefficient command and examples
nspline.nb (29.2 KB) - Mathematica notebook containing natural cubic spline coefficient command and examples

Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
cspline.ma (13.8 KB) - Mathematica Notebook 2.2 or older
nspline.ma (15.4 KB) - Mathematica Notebook 2.2 or older