 Basic Examples of Relativity Theory

Organization: | University of Windsor |
 This Mathematica Notebook shows basic application of the "tensorial.m" package. -Special Relativity. In the first part we define the Metric Tensor for the Minkovsky space and later we define the Jacobian Matrix for system's transformation. -General Relativity. Obtaining of Schawarzschild's differential equations that describe the space curvature produced by a point mass. The program is completely general, so that it could deal with any Metric Tensor proposed. This notebook requires the "tensorial.m" package that can be downloaded from item 434.

 Schawarzschild, Relativity, Lorentz


| grelativity.nb (56.8 KB) - Mathematica notebook | | srelativity.nb (42.5 KB) - Mathematica notebook |