 Exterior Differential Calculus

 This package enables Mathematica to carry out calculations with differential forms. It defines the two basic operations - Exterior Product (Wedge) and Exterior Derivative (d) - in such a way that: - they can act on any valid Mathematica expression
- they allow the use of any symbols to denote differential forms
- input - output notation is as close as possible to standard usage
There are two versions of this package: scalarEDCcode.nb and matrixEDCcode.nb. The first can handle scalar differential-form expressions only, while the second can also handle matrix- valued differential forms, i.e., matrices whose components are (scalar) differential forms. The matrix package, offering user-controlled application of trace identities and the Cayley- Hamilton theorem, can also be used for symbolic matrix calculations. The notebook EDC335Manual.nb contains many examples illustrating the use of the functions defined in the package.

 Wedge product, Exterior product, Exterior derivative, Grassmann algebra, Differential forms, Symbolic matrix algebra

| EDC360Manual.nb (185.2 KB) - Mathematica Notebook | | SymbolPalette.nb (4.9 KB) - Mathematica Notebook | | matrixEDC360code.nb (24.7 KB) - Mathematica Notebook | | scalarEDC360code.nb (13.8 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |
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