 Localization on a Harmonic Chain with Zero Displacement at the Boundaries

Organization: | St. Olaf College |
Organization: | Carleton College |
Department: | Physics and Astronomy |
 This Mathematica notebook contains the code used to generate the figures in the article "Exploring Localization in Nonperiodic Systems" which appears in the June 1995 issue of Computers in Physics. Please refer to that article for a discussion of localization and the notation used in this notebook. This notebook is not meant to be self-contained, but to be used in conjunction with the article.
This notebook is not meant to be self-contained, but to be used in conjunction with the article: "Exploring Localization in Nonperiodic Systems" which appears in the June 1995 issue of Computers in Physics.

 Localization, Harmonic Chain

| localz.nb (26.2 KB) - Mathematica notebook |  Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
 | | localz.ma (17.7 KB) - Mathematica notebook |