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Introduction to the Formal Analysis of Social Networks Using Mathematica

Luis Izquierdo
Organization: University of Burgos
Department: Department of Civil Engineering
URL: http://www.luis.izquierdo.name
Robert Hanneman
Organization: University of California, Riverside
Department: Department of Sociology
Revision date


The text document is an introduction to the formal analysis of social networks. We explain the basic concepts of network analysis, and we illustrate each of them using Mathematica.

The notebook contains all the code that we used to produce the graphics, statistics, and metrics presented in the text document. Most of the functions we employ are part of the Combinatorica package, but we have implemented some additional ones. In particular, we provide functions to calculate the clustering coefficient, N-cliques, N-clans, and also closeness and centrality measures.

*Applied Mathematics > Complex Systems
*Mathematics > Discrete Mathematics
*Social Science

Networks, Graph Theory, Social Networks
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Izquierdo_Hanneman.pdf (367.9 KB) - PDF Document
Izquierdo_Hanneman.nb (827.1 KB) - Mathematica Notebook [for Mathematica 5.2]