 LoanFunctions.m Package

Organization: | Scientific Arts |
 LoanFunctions.m is a package containing functions that help in calculations of certain loan costs: for estimating home purchase costs and performing other loan calculations. This is a prototypical example of one type of self contained small application of the sort that Scientific Arts can easily deliver. It contains numerical and analytical functions, on-line documentation, floating palettes, and GUI calculators. This package is "referral ware": if the package is of use to you then you are requested to suggest the services of Scientific Arts to friends and colleagues and to pass on potential contacts to Scientific Arts. In this case Scientific Arts provides you with a single non exclusive user license for this software in return for whatever help you can give in helping our business to succeed. To use the package you will need a password which is available by sending email to loanpassword@scientificarts.com. The password will allow you to use the package with a single license of Mathematica. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose than to send you the password and an associated message. You will not be contacted further unless you request it. The LoanFunctions.m package was written with Mathematica version 4 and will work with version 4 or greater. However, most of the functions will also work in Mathematica version 3. The most recent version of this package can always be obtained from the Scientific Arts web site at http://www.scientificarts.com. This is version 1.1 of the LoanFunctions.m package.

 loans, loanfunctions, principal, interest, equity, mortgage, loan calculator, palette, frontend

| LoanReadMe.txt (4.5 KB) - Text File | | LoanReadMe.nb (17.2 KB) - Mathematica Notebook | | loanfunctions.sea.hqx (354.8 KB) - Mac Stuffit Binhexed self extracting archive | | loanfunctions.tar.Z (379 KB) - Unix tar compressed file | | loanfunctions.zip (230.1 KB) - Zip compressed archive |
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