 This is a tool for looking for cocyclic Hadamard matrices over a finite group G for which a homological model hG is known, as described by V.Alvarez, J.A.Armario, M.D.Frau and P.Real in "Calculating cocyclic Hadamard matrices in Mathematica: exhaustive and heuristic searches", ICMS-06, Castro Urdiales, Spain (2006). To appear in a special issue of LNCS. Two searching methods are provided. The exhaustive one developes a full search among all 2-cocycles. The heuristic search consists in a genetic algorithm, described by V.Alvarez, J.A.Armario, M.D.Frau and P.Real in "A genetic algorithm for cocyclic Hadamard matrices", AAECC-16, Las Vegas, USA, LNCS 3857, 144--153 (2006). Six input data are needed: 1. A matrix PR representing the group law on G. 2. A matrix M2 representing the differential d2 on hG_2. 3. A matrix M3 representing the differential d3 on hG_3. 4. A matrix F1 representing the projection from B_1(Z[G]) to hG_1. 5. A matrix F2 representing the projection from B_2(Z[G]) to hG_2. 6. 1 for developing an exhaustive search, anything else for developing a heuristic search.