 LoopTools: A package for One-loop Integrals

Organization: | Max-Planck-Institute for Physics (Werner-Heisenberg-Institute) |
 LoopTools is a package for evaluation of scalar and tensor one-loop integrals based on the FF package by G.J. van Oldenborgh. It provides the numerical implementations of the one-loop scalar integrals and tensor coefficients up to the four-point functions using the conventions of A. Denner, Fortschr. Phys. 41 (1993) 307.
Besides supplying libraries for Fortran and C++, LoopTools offers a MathLink executable with which the one-loop functions can be used directly in Mathematica.
Using the package is very simple: Install["bca"] readies the functions for use in Mathematica, invoking e.g. B0[1000, 200, 300] then evaluates the scalar two-point function.

 Perturbative calculations, Quantum field theory, One-loop scalar and tensor integrals, Passarino-Veltman functions

| FCLT12Guide.ps.gz (109.4 KB) - LoopTools manual | | LoopTools12.tar.gz (440 KB) - LoopTools archive file |