 Quality Control (Control Charts for Process Variables)

Organization: | Universidad de Salamanca |
 A Control chart is a statistical tool to distinguish when a process is out of control. A control chart requires data obtained by sampling a specific quality characteristic of the process at approximately regular intervals. The intervals may be defined in terms of time (for example hourly) or quantity (every lot). This package can be used to make the most known variable control charts: Xbar-S, Individuals, Cusum and EWMA for individual values, T2 Multivariable.It includes on line help.

 Control chart, statistics, quality control

| Readme.txt (500 B) - Install intructions | | BrowserCategories.m (850 B) - Help on line | | QualityControl.zip (90.4 KB) - zip archive of all files | | VariableChart.m (15 KB) - Mathematica package | | VariableControlChart.nb (522.6 KB) - Notebook help |