 KeyFraming in Animation

Organization: | Oakland University |
 The notebook Animation.nb is a chapter from a Mathematica based computer graphics text currently being evaluated for publication. The notebook assumes the user has 3D Explorer from 3detc, inc. (available from the Wolfram Research online store). The notebook Animation.NoExp.nb presents the same material with no reference to 3D Explorer. The notebooks are concerned with kinetic and rotational keyframming. The material covered is suitable for a junior or senior level course in computer graphics.

 animation, keyframing, 3D Explorer

| Animation.NoExp.nb.sit (133.4 KB) - Mathematica notebook | | Animation.NoExp.nb.zip (159.5 KB) - Mathematica notebook | | Animation.nb.sit (134.1 KB) - Mathematica notebook | | Animation.nb.zip (160.5 KB) - Mathematica notebook |