 Oscillating Pressure Driven Flow in a Tube

Department: | Chemical Engineering |
 The velocity distribution is computed numerically using NDSolve for oscillating pressure driven flow in a tube. This type of flow occurs in veins and arteries for example. When the kinematic viscosity is large and diffusion is fast, the velocity can instantaneously adjust to changing pressure. While when the kinematic viscosity is small and diffusion is slow, the velocity lags behind pressure. Long time analytical solution matches very well the numerical solution after a short transient period. The analytical derivation can be found in Laminar Flow and Convective Transport Processes, LG Leal, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1992. Analytical derivation was part of the material taught by Professor Ron Phillips in the fluid mechanics graduate courses at U C Davis in the Fall quarter of 1994.

 Kinematic viscosity, flow in veins and arteries, oscillating pressure driven tube flow, PDE, NDSolve

| Oscillating_Pressure_Driven_Flow.nb (492.9 KB) - Notebook [for Mathematica 5.2] |