 Terminal Fall Velocity of a Single Spherical Particle in a Newtonian Fluid

Department: | Chemical Engineering |
 Newton number (also called the drag coefficient) and Archimedes number are plotted versus the Reynolds number for the laminar, transition and turbulent flow types using a log-log scale. Expressions and numerical examples of the terminal fall velocity of a single spherical particle in a Newtonian Fluid, for the three flow types, are given in the notebook. For laminar flow, the terminal velocity expression is given by the well-known Stokes law. Measurement of terminal fall velocity has important applications such as viscosity determination (e.g. falling-sphere viscometer) and decanter sizing.

 Reynolds number, drag coefficient, Newton, s number, Archimedes number, laminar flow, turbulent flow, transition flow, terminal fall velocity, sedimentation

| Terminal_Fall_Velocity.nb (13.8 KB) - Notebook [for Mathematica 5.2] |
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