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Phase-Plane Analysis of Biochemical Reactors

Housam Binous
Organization: KFUPM
Department: Chemical Engineering
URL: http://sites.google.com/site/homepageofdrhousambinous/
Revision date


A biochemical reactor can show complex dynamic behaviour including multiple steady-states. We show how one can obtain the different steady-states, conduct the phase-plane analysis and check for the stability of all the steady-states. Both Monod and substrate inhibition models are considered for the growth rate expression. Numerical values of yield, dilution rate, substrate concentration in the feed stream and parameters of the specific growth rate expression are the same as the treatment of B. Wayne Bequette in Process Dynamics, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation, Prentice Hall, 1998.

*Engineering > Chemical Engineering
*Science > Biochemistry
*Science > Chemistry

Specific growth coefficient, Monod model, substrate inhibition model, biochemical reactor, stability analysis, jacobian matrix, eigenvalues, multiple steady-states, saddle points, phase-plane analysis, wash out
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biochemical_reactor.nb (336.1 KB) - Notebook [for Mathematica 5.2]