 InterCall Information Sheet and Abridged Manual

Organization: | RMIT University |
Department: | Department of Mathematics |
 InterCall completely integrates the symbolic capabilities of Mathematica with the numeric routines of any external library. You can pass a Mathematica function, array, or any other expression as an argument to any external routine and InterCall will send the correct type of information to that external routine.
InterCall must be purchased seperately.

 MathLink, InterCall, Inter Call, Inter-Call, external functions, external library, external libraries, fortran, c, pascal, external routines, interface, IMSL, NAG, GetDefault, SetDefault

| Info.txt (4.5 KB) - Plain-text information sheet | | InterCall.ps (174.8 KB) - PostScript version of abridged InterCall manual | | InterCall.tex (51 KB) - TeX version of abridged InterCall manual |
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