 Stomachion of Archimedes

Organization: | University of Western Ontario |
Department: | Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences |
 A. Ian McLeod -- stomachion notebook The Stomachion of Archimedes is a very challenging puzzle. A geometric diagram is provided which enables you to construct this puzzle out of cardboard and see for yourself! As an additional challenge, you can try to construct a Mathematica program to produce the figure. The hard part of this challenge is understanding from the diagram where the lines should go! Once you understand this, the Mathematica part is easy. Maybe someone can make a lot of money from this by creating the puzzle out of wood and selling it!!

 Amusing puzzle, dissection, tangram, loculus, stomachion, ostomachion, Archimedes


| stomachion.nb (74.2 KB) - Mathematica notebook |
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