 CompG - A package for plane computational geometry

Organization: | University of Udine |
 The package provides a set of operations arising from problems of plane computational geometry. The following entities are defined: points, lines, segments, paths, polygons, circles, angles, affine transformations, cartesian and parametric equations of lines and axes. General polar and lexicographic sorting and ordering. Point location w.r. to lines, halflines, segments, convex polygons, simple polygons, and circles. Intersections of pairs of straight objects returning both the intersection set (empty, single point, segment,...) and its robustness w.r. to perturbations (strong or weak intersection). Final examples: triangulation based on the existence of diagonals and triangulation of a monotone polygon.

 Point, Segment, Halfline, Line, Path, Polygon, Circle, Affine Transformation, Polar Ordering, Lexicographic Ordering, Point Location, Intersection, Robustness, Triangulation

| CompG.m (41.1 KB) - Mathematica Package | | CompGTour.nb (1017.1 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |
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