 Economic Operation of Fixed-bed Filter

Organization: | University of Texas at Austin |
Department: | Department of Chemical Engineering |
Department: | Chemical Engineering |
 The notebook, edgar_page468.nb, solves example 13.3 in the book: Optimization of chemical processes, Edgar et al., second edition, McGrawHill, 2001. The total cost function must be minimized subject to an equality constraint. Lagragian is formed and its derivatives are set equal to zero. This first-order necessary condition gives an extremum. The Lagrange multiplier is also found. This extremum turn out to be a local minimum. In fact, by computing the Hessian of the Lagragian function, we are able to check the second-order necessary and sufficient condition for optimality.

 Filtration, optimization, Lagrangian function, filter, Hessian matrix, local minimum

| edgar_page468.nb (196.9 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |
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