 Computation of Segregation, Hold-back, F-diagrams and E-diagrams for different flow situations

Department: | Chemical Engineering |
 The notebook computes segregation, hold-back, F-diagrams and E-diagrams for different flow situations. These situations include perfect mixing, flow in packed bed with longitudinal mixing, piston-flow in a tube and laminar flow in a tube. For the longitudinal mixing case three expressions [1,2] for the F-functions are considered. We show that these expressions give the same F-Diagram. [1] page 6 in P. V. Danckwerts, Continuous Flow Systems Distribution of Residence Times, Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 2, n° 1, February 1953. [2] pages 297 and 301 in O. Levenspiel, Chemical Reaction Engineering, 3rd Edition, Wiley, 1999.

 segregation, hold-back, F-diagrams, E-diagrams, laminar flow, longitudinal mixing, perfect mixing, tube flow, flow through packed bed, piston-flow

| DanckwertsRTD.nb (669.7 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |
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