Prospectus for Economic and Financial Modeling with Mathematica Hal Varian University of Michigan Mathematica is a computer program for doing symbolic, numeric, and graphical analysis of mathematical problems. It can be of great use to economic and financial analysts since it can do so many different things. Rather than using a yellow pad to do algebra, a calculator to do numerics, statistical software to do estimation, and an artist to do graphics, an economist can do all these things in one unified environment: Mathematica. Contents This book will collect together articles by a number of economists and financial analysts that show how Mathematica can be used to analyze economic problems. Here is a tentative table of contents. David Belsley (Boston College) Econometrics Hal Varian (U Michigan) Symbolic Optimization John Eckalbar (Cal State, Chico) Dynamics John Dickhaut (UMinn) Nash Equilibrium Todd Kaplan (UMinn) Steve Brown (NYU) Nonlinear estimation in finance Valuing derivative assets? Ross Miller (General Electric) Option Pricing Asahi Noguchi (Senshu U, Japan) General equilibrium analysis Mike Steele (UPenn) Stochastic calculus Bob Stine (UPenn) Wilfrid Kendall (Warwick) Stochastic calculus Bob Stine (UPenn) Time series analysis Todd Kaplan (UMinn) Incentives Arijit Mukherji (UMinn) Michael Chwe (UChicago) Extensive form games Colin Rose ( USydney) Exchange Rate Target Zones Robert Korsan (Decisions, Decisions!) Decison analysis Gary Anderson (UMaryland) Rational expectations Ken Judd (Stanford Univ) Optimal growth Raimon Marimon (UBarcelona) International trade Eduardo Ley (UCarlos III, Madrid) Bayesian econometrics Mark Steel (UCarlosIII, Madrid) The articles will be written for the novice Mathematica user, with separate sections for "how to use the Package" and "how we developed the Package". We will distribute a 3.5 inch disk with the book. ISBN Number 0-387-97882-8